Friday, August 2, 2013

Today is a gift.

We are just hours away from embarking on our semi-annual Groothuis family reunion. Out of 41 people, 12 of them will be adults. Out-numbered, but not out-maneuvered! It's going to be a blast! We're leaving at 12:30 a.m. It just makes sense that I would be typing now at 10:30  instead of sleeping, yes? That's how I am just before a big road trip--jazzed, wired, ready to GO, but wanting a nap at the same time. 

The van is packed, and, amazingly enough, there is room to spare. The snacks are ready, the neighbors are prepped should an emergency with our house arise. We have a full tank of gas. We have caffeine. We are set.

I have to admit, this has been one of the craziest weeks our house has seen for some time. Every day there've been appointments, home school group preparations, lots of checklists of responsibilities, oh, and supper. Laundry. Cleaning. Packing list. Packing bags. Re-packing the kids' bags--a case of Dad expectations vs. Mom expectations. Prayer needs, planning needs, neighbor needs, friend needs, family needs. Likely for most of you reading this, that aforementioned list is par for the course. For me, it was....interesting. The Lord was giving me ample opportunity to lean into Him. Sometimes I did. And sometimes I didn't.

But here we are. Somehow all ready to go. Trent is an amazing van packing man! I love that man. As I'm winding down for my pre-trip nap, I'm smiling in memory of something two of my boys created all by themselves this week. They were eating lunch on our back porch, just relaxing. Then they called me out to hear this:

Just a reminder to me that along with time itself, my family is moving along, growing up, while I am growing older. That's reality, not pessimism. I'm excited to know my Savior more, and every day He gifts to me, He is also pulling me closer to Home, to His arms. So I plan to make the most of this day. At this point, that might mean catching that nap.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for keeping track of our days, bringing us safely Home to You, and blessing us so richly along the road.

Good night, all!

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